Contact Us

Please get in touch to discuss your project, idea or event.
We’re a really friendly team and will carefully listen before our recommendations

contact US

Phone: 01327 708 984
24 hrs:
Mat: 07970 017 256


DroneSwarm Studios,
Building 14, Bentley Way,
Royal Oak Industrial Estate,
Daventry, NN11 8QH

We look forward to discussing your project.
Any extra information you can give is most helpful such as: Location / Theme / Type of event / Date / Ideal budget / Do you want other elements we provide e.g. fireworks/lasers/PA/video
Stanford Hall Drone Light Show

Some Of Our Team

As a company we have worked in the unmanned aviation sector since 2015

Mat Lawrence

Project Director

My role is to oversee the project from inception through to production. I am a qualified CAA PFCO pilot (2015). I co-ordinate with the CAA.

Karl Fochtmann

Technical Director

I’m in charge of ensuring we have the technology needed to deliver our vision. I also design LED and pyro hardware and write bespoke software.

John Allcock

Hardware Director

My role is looking after our fleet of drones. I’m heavily involved in deployment and project realisation. My experience with UAV’s spans several decades.  I’m a qualified CAA PFAW pilot.

Tam Lawrence


I am in charge of the accounts so you’ll deal with me for invoice payments or supplier payments.

Matej Vaculik

Animation Lead

I’m lead animator for Droneswarm and oversee the team working on animations.

John Malam


I’m your point of initial contact for all enquiries for new projects or events wishing to add a drone light show to the proceedings.